Bea Blue

the sensual porn activist

“Mein Künstler*innenname ist Bea Blue. Ich bin eine queere Filmemacherin aus Wien, lebend in Berlin und bezeichne mich selber als „Porno-Aktivistin“. In all meinen Filmen versuche ich Sex mit einer Message oder einem Denkanstoß zu verbinden. I believe in the power of sex for change.”

I grew up in social housing in the 10th district in Vienna (back then liver sausage spread on bread and Latella) and completed the Master's degree Mass Media and Communication Science (in the end chai latte & oat milk either way). My development lead me everywhere from TV journalism to life in agencies. I move between the poles of creativity and activism/critical thinking: understanding art not as an end in itself but as a room of possibility – "I think, therefore I am" (René Decartes).

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