Yavuz Kurtulmus

the queer & activist porn film festival director
DIRECTOR Yavuz Kurtulmus

Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Gründer und Leiter vieler Porn Film Festivals auf der Welt, hat Yavuz Kurtulmus (he/him) seinen Ausdruck auch als Film-Regisseur gefunden. Sein queer-migrantischer und aktivistischer Blick und sein Wissen über Pornografie vereinen sich in seinen Projekten zu eindrucksreichen, dokumentarischen und ästhetischen Momenten.

Kurtulmus is founder of MiGaY, the first Austrian platform for LGBTIQA+ migrants, an organization that puts an emphasis on visibility and representation of queer minorities and POC. For more than 15 years he has been working as a political activist. In 2012, he founded Transition International Queer & Minorities Film Festival, Austria‘s only queer film happening with a focus on gender diversity and queer migrants. He promoted cooperative events with the Teddy Award of the Berlinale, the Oslo/Fusion Festival and the Wien Museum. Yavuz Kurtulmus is an experienced festival manager. He organized a lot of international film events and screenings. Furthermore, he gives lectures and workshops on queer muslim activism. As founder and director of the Porn Film Festival Vienna, he always wants to highlight the effects of sexuality, gender and diversity on our society.

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